De Top 3 van Erik Svetoft
Vandaag de 9-de editie van 'DE TOP 3 VAN…'. We vragen elke week een stripmaker, schrijver, illustrator of bekende stripliefhebber, wat zijn/haar top 3 favoriete stripboeken aller tijden is. En wat de nummer 1 van die lijst voor hem/haar betekent. Deze week de Top 3 van illustrator | stripmaker Erik Svetoft:
"I thought a lot about my top 3 but decided against a list with just my most influential comics, like stuff i grew up with... I figure most people know about Tintin already and that's my main inspiration growing up, that and Asterix and Mad magazine, standard european stuff … Instead I made a list of lesser known favorites of mine, stuff that I find inspiring in my small comic collection."
'Frankenstein' - Junji Ito
"I bought this a few months ago and I like it a lot, it's both a retelling of the original Frankenstein novel and then collected short horror stories about a haunted house and some other things. I haven't collected a lot of books by Junji Ito yet but I am a big fan, I like absurdist horror in general."
'Space Ducks' - Daniel Johnston
"A favorite in my collection, very poetic and fun and violent. I like the drawings and the coloring."
'Hitmen for destiny' - Öyvind Thorsby
"This is an online comic so it doesn't really count as a book but I wish it could be published by someone, it's pretty great. it's drawn in MS Paint and has this really intricate and fun and intricate sci fi storyline about different dimensions and monsters, super creative and inspiring from a storytelling standpoint."
Over Erik Svetoft:
Illustrator | animator Erik Svetoft (Zweden, 1988) studeert op het moment af in Visual Communication aan de University of Arts Konstfack, Stockholm. Naast zijn werk als illustrator en animator publiceerde hij in de afgelopen 5 jaar een aantal schetsboeken en graphic novels: 'Limbo' (2014), 'Hakken' (2016) , 'Mondo' (2017) en 'Domus' (2019). Zijn meest recente werk is de korte animatie film 'ÄLGEN'.
- Domus - Erik Svetoft
'Domus' - Erik Svetoft - (128 pagina's, Engelstalig, softcover, uitgeverij Sanatorium)
€ 21,00 - Mondo - Erik Svetoft
'Mondo' - Erik Svetoft - (120 pagina's, Engelstalig, softcover, uitgeverij Sanatorium)
€ 21,00 - Hakken - Erik Svetoft
'Hakken' - Erik Svetoft - (56 pagina's, Engelstalig, softcover, uitgeverij Sanatorium)
€ 14,95